Go Docor

Keep it simple, stupid

Docor is simple, using that tex-thing like semantics to write report; Docor is stupid, only do one thing: generate one-page offline html report with 100% Go. Quick view:

    d := docor.NewBlankDoc()

	d.AddTitle("Go Docor")
	d.AddBlockquote("Keep it simple, stupid")

	d.AddParagraph("Docor is simple, using that tex-thing like semantics to write report; Docor is stupid, only do one thing: generate one-page offline html report with 100% Go.")


Just that simple! Actually the idea behind this is from a feature I wanted in GoConvey: http://goo.gl/WbH1Ub . There is a scenario: when doing stochastic-related programming, often time I need a graph or table generator to display performance data on-the-fly and further more, generate a complete running report with pure Go programmingly. However, unfortunately there is no such thing that could meet my requirement, so I decided to make a super simple and stupid report generator with 100% Go!


go get github.com/gizak/docor


Docor is WIP, a basic set of writing API can be used, which contains image, drawing line graph, code snippets, paragraph, pre block, blockquote and etc.. more functions are comming!


//Add a simple image from url. url can be http or local address or even base64 src. An width needed, ranging from 1 to 12, int value.
d.AddImgFromURI(url string, width int)

//Add a detialed image
d.AddDetialImgFromURI(url string, width int, title, titleColor, description string)
Polar Graph Art

VAJRA EQUATION from http://podcollective.com/portal/category/design/


//Add page title, should appear on the top of your code
d.AddTitle(title string)

//Add section
d.AddSection(title string)

//Add Subsection
d.AddSubsection(title string)

//Add a blockquote
d.AddBlockquote(content string)

//Add a paragraph
d.AddParagraph(par string)


Docor uses prism to render code highlight, nearly support all kinds of normal programming langauge. All code snippets in this page are rendered by this function.

//Add a code snippet
d.AddCode(code, lang string)


Docor uses plotinum as drawing library. At this moment Docor only has the line chart API, but more and more APIs are on their way!

//Add a line chart by x axis points and y axis points.
//One should also assign width and height to chart.
//Both width and height should between 1 and 12 inclusively
d.AddChartLineXsYs(xs, ys []float64, width, height int)

// e.g.
d.AddChartLineXsYs([]float64{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}, []float64{1.24, 2.123, 3.323, 3.9878, 4.143, 5.123, 6.66, 6.99, 7.32}, 5, 3)


A table helps dump the data!

NameItem NameItem PricePayment
//Add a table. A table need a table head
//table only accept string value
d.AddTable(thead []string, tbody[][]string)
		[]string{"Name", "Item Name", "Item Price", "Payment"},
			{"Alvin", "Eclair", "$0.87", "Cash"},
			{"Alan", "Jellybean", "$3.76", "Cash"},
			{"Jonathan", "Lollipop", "$7.00", "Credit"}})

Pre Block

A pre block is nothing but a html <pre> block, just like following: (I am considering if it needs a frame)

<!DOCTYPE html>
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" >
 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1" >

 <meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOARCHIVE">
//A html pre block
d.AddPre(content string)


Hmm, let me think...